- cpu only version. gpu version hardcoded off
- openMP is added. on my 2-core cpu speedup to 160%(before openMP 4.7s per frame for ajax scene, after 2.9s) - more cores = faster
- little bit speedup for disneyBRDF pdf calculation
- nanoRT scene accelelerator
- tinyobjloader with my speedups
- lodePNG for save png
- openCL version
- Unbiased uni-directional path tracer
- Disney's principled BRDF with importance sampling of diffuse and specular lobes
- CPU or GPU tracing and shading with a persistent CUDA threads model
- Interactive OpenGL progressive mode
- Explicit area light sampling
Affine and deformable motion blur- Gaussian reconstruction filter
Instanced triangle mesh primitives with affine transformations- AABB tree with SAH and splitting
- Simple scene description format
- Windows / macOS / Linux support
P.S. зачеркнутое - заявленное, но в коде нет этого
available on github https://github.com/tigrazone/tinsel
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